I am a programmer web developer designer translator full-time geek

...and I strive to improve the world with high-quality work and open software.


  • High School 2012–2014
  • Bachelor of Biomedical Informatics2015–2019
    Federal University of (Incomplete)

Core Skills


I'm an English-Portuguese translator and programmer with an academic background in computer science, biomedicine, and a passion for linguistics, game development, art and animation.


Constantly improving since 2015, I'm a dedicated programmer and always interested in new technologies. I'm a fast learner and possess a general insight of the IT field, with greater depth in Linux systems, IoT, cybersecurity, intuitive design and system administration (preferably *nix systems). I have a vast experience in various tools and languages, ranging from advanced Shell and C scripting, to the construction of elegant and intuitive web pages.

Translator, Editor & Proofreader [English, Portuguese]

I'm an avid reader and proficient* anglophone, with experience in local translation for academic papers, curricula, games, websites and web content in general. In addition to regular translation, I can also work with transcription, subtitling, and cultural adaptation. I am particularly efficient in handling scientific terminology (with a focus on Computer Science and Biomedicine), strong accents (regardless of language), archaic and old-fashioned dialects, modern jargon, social media, popular culture, and Oxford commas.
*According to the TOEFL® ITP exam

Game developer

Since 2015, I have participated in numerous independent game-related projects, including game jams, 2D prototypes and contributions to various game mods and frameworks; I started as a graphics designer, but after learning programming at university, I started to create my own game scripts, modifications and, eventually, stand-alone games.

I may not be quite in the "professional" level yet, but I'm fully capable of creating short games and prototypes for any sort of 2D games (or mods) with Lua, from action platformers to top-down RPGs, puzzle games, or even something completely different.

Oh, I also have decent experience with networking and server hosting for games.

The programs I use for development:

  • LÖVE (or Love2D) — Lua-based game engine;
  • Paint Tool SAI — Graphics and art in general;
  • Tiled Editor — Tile map construction.

Other relevant competences:

  • C;
  • Git;
  • Lua;
  • Java;
  • Bash;
  • GIMP;
  • LaTeX;
  • RegEx;
  • Pascal;
  • Python;
  • JavaScript;
  • Wordpress;
  • ImageMagick;
  • Office Products.